The moon rises, a glowing pearl,
Casting shadows on the sandy shore,
Whispers of waves, a lullaby,
As the night begins to pour.
Stars twinkle in the sky above,
A canvas of beauty and wonder,
A symphony of crickets and frogs,
A night to deeply ponder.
The Pitons stand tall,
A majestic sight to behold,
Their peaks reaching towards the heavens,
Their beauty never grows old.
Jade Mountain, a gem of the Caribbean,
A world that comes alive in the dark,
A paradise built of stone and starlight,
A place that forever leaves its mark.
Dawn arrives with the golden sun,
A fiery glow, the day's begun.
The Caribbean Sea, so crystal clear,
Reflects the sun, its beauty near.
Jade Mountain rises in the distance,
It’s silhouette, a thing of brilliance.
The parrotfish awakens, with a graceful glide,
Her scales shining in the sun's warm tide.
As the sun climbs higher in the sky,
The parrotfish bids the reef goodbye.
But the memory of her dance will remain,
A reminder of the sea's exquisite realm.
這幅畫是獨一無二的。 Jean-Baptiste 通過使用 Sumi 小馬毛刷將水性液體顏料絲綢塗料塗在 12 毫米 100% 哈博泰絲綢上,從而創造了這種藝術。這幅畫是原畫,耐光防水。所有畫作均附有手寫簽名並註明日期的真品證書。
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